5 Advanced settings
To add these settings to your XML document, include a node called Parameters at the top level of the XML document. Any settings you provide here override the default settings provided in the settings.xml file; see section 3.4, Advanced settings defaults file.
For example:
Note: The parameters are described in the schema as a sequence, which means that the order is important.
The settings you can use are:
Parameter |
Description |
SourceID |
The ID of the site. |
IssueDate |
The date the XML document was created. |
GenerateUserDN |
This option is not supported. Set the value to 0. |
ActionOnDuplicate |
Determines what to do if the user already exists within MyID. The LogonName is used as the key to match user records. REPLACE – replace the existing user with the new details. Merge – merge the records. MergeEmpty – add only the field data that was previously empty; do not overwrite any previous data. Skip – abort the import. This generates an error. |
RolesActionOnDuplicate |
Determines what to do if the roles already exist within MyID. REPLACE or Merge – the user's roles and scope will be set to the roles indicated in the supplied XML, if a roles node is supplied. Any other roles held by the user will be removed. MergeEmpty – any roles not already held by the user will be added with the scope indicated. If the user already holds the role then the scope will be updated to reflect the supplied data. To remove any existing roles held by the user, specify a Scope of None. Skip – any roles not already held by the user will be added with the scope indicated. If the user already holds the role then it will not be altered. Any existing roles held by the user will not be removed. |
DeleteMissingUsers |
Not supported. Always set to 0. |
PushToLDAP |
1 – add the user's details to the LDAP directory. 0 – do not add the user's details to the LDAP directory. |
CreateUnknownGroups |
Used to determine whether MyID creates groups that do not already exist.
This setting does not affect specified groups that already exist; if is only for new (unknown) groups. |
AuditAll |
1 – add all user information fields to the audit trail. 0 – add only the minimum information (user DN and full name) to the audit trail. |
DataType |
Determines the specific behavior of the import service, including DN formats and transforms that will be used. CMSRequestCard – import a user's details and request a card. Uses the CMSCardRequest schema. CMSUserUpdate – update an existing user. Uses the CMSUserUpdate schema. PIV or PIVRequestCard – used for PIV card requests. Uses the PivCardRequest schema. PIVApplicantEnrol – used to update existing PIV users. Uses the PivApplicantUpdate schema. |
CheckImportResponseSchema |
Set to 1 to prevent MyID from checking the returned XML against the response XML schema. |
SynchronousImport |
Not supported. Do not use. |
AllowBioImport |
1 – allow the import of fingerprints. 0 – do not allow the import of fingerprints, but allow the import of face scans. |
DefaultUserRole |
If you do not specify the Role\Name, Scope and LogonMechanism in the Applicant\Account\Roles section of the import file, you can specify them here. Separate the role name, scope and logon mechanism with pipes (|). For example: Applicant|Self|Card specifies the Applicant role, with a scope of Self, and a logon mechanism of Card. Note: This feature depends on the standard CMS or PIV XML structure. If you are using a custom schema with a custom transform, you may experience problems. |
DisallowCertificateSuspension |
Set this value to 1, and when you cancel a user account using the Lifecycle API, MyID will not suspend the certificate, but uses the action associated with the StatusMappingID; for example, a status mapping of 100 will permanently revoke the certificate. Set this value to 0 to suspend the certificate when you cancel the user account. |
CardRequestThrottling |
This option prevents the submission of multiple card requests if several requests are received in quick succession. Generating card requests like this can cause the bureau request mechanism to reuse the same FASC-N for more than once card request. Set this value to 1 to enable the throttling behavior. Set this value to 0, or omit the parameter, to disable the throttling behavior. |
ReplaceUnassignedCards |
Set to 1 to allow MyID to replace unassigned cards. Set to 0 to prevent MyID from replacing unassigned cards. |